Healthy Pregnancies Lead to Healthy Children
Your Body, Your Baby
Chiropractic care is an essential part of pregnancy, along with proper diet, exercise and sleep. One of the best things you can do if you are pregnant is visit a chiropractor that specializes in pediatrics and pregnancy and utilizes a low force technique like the Torque Release Technique, which is safe for you and your child.
What will the chiropractor do?
It is essential that a future mother has her body as strong and healthy as possible to ensure good function of her reproductive organs. The slightest amount of pressure leading to nerve interference can cause these systems not to work right leading to adverse effects to the mother and her developing baby. A scientifically based chiropractor will use state of the art technology to find these interferences and correct them with a gentle specific scientific adjustment.
A few of the many benefits or regular chiropractic:
- 60% shorter labor time (all moms love this one!)
- Over 50% less medications that may cause adverse side effects
- Postpartum depression is uncommon in women receiving regular adjustments
- Tremendous success with infertility cases and women having a hard time getting pregnant
- Decrease the amount of pregnancy induced low back pain by up to 70%
What about after I have the baby?
Sometimes an infant’s spine can be harmed at birth! This is a very traumatic process so it is crucial for the mom and child to get checked for nerve interference as soon as they can after the child is born. Even if you had a “natural easy birth” wouldn’t you want to have you baby checked so ensure they grow up healthy and happy they way they were meant to?
We would love to answer any questions you may have regarding your pregnancy or newborn. You may contact us here.